What is empathy? It is being able to put yourself in someone else's shoes, look at what is happening to them and try to understand how they might be feeling.
Why is this important to teach children empathy?
Well if your child is a more empathetic person they will most likely be less inclined to become a bully.
So what can you do to teach them empathy?
1) One of the things that you can do as a parent right from the start is to create a family code of conduct - this will help your children to understand the difference between right and wrong and how to treat others. And when the right moments arise have little lessons about the right way to treat others and why. If they are mean, get them to think about if someone was mean to them, how it might make them feel.
2) One of the really important things to remember is that you are a role model and that your children learn a lot from you - by your own actions you can teach children empathy.
As an adult show acts of kindness to others without expecting anything in return and let your children see this - talk about why you showed kindness. Maybe even as a family have a goal to do one random act of kindness every week - whether that is for a family member or someone outside of the family. Give them the opportunity to decide what that random act of kindness might be - they will soon learn that being kind to others actually makes them feel really good too.
One of the stories that I remember being told (I'm not sure who this was) - was when a little boy was given 20 helium balloons and he wanted to keep them all to himself. But his father decided to teach him the important lesson of what it felt like to give something away and not expect anything in return. So he took his son to a retirement home and the boy gave out all of the balloons except for one. That day the boy experienced the power of giving, the power of what it was like to give to another person. And when he gave he received just as much in return.
3) Another thing you can do is teach your children to have the mindset of 'how can I make a difference?'
It might be that if they see bullying happening or if they see someone who needs help, their attitude is not to run away or to stand there and laugh but think about how they can help the situation. You can talk about the different ways of doing this - whether it be going to get help or stepping in and supporting the student.
By teaching your children empathy you are teaching them to be able to put themselves in someone else's shoes, to try and understand how whatever is happening to them is making them feel. From this will grow a compassion for others.
If you can build these qualities into your children - you will most likely find that they will not become bullies but will be children that will step in and help, that care a lot, and that are known for the amazing qualities that they have.
For more information on 'How to help your child if they are being bullied' - check out - It's Time To Stop The Bullying ebook.
Bullying No More: Working together with both parents and schools to help Break the Cycle of Bullying.
Why is this important to teach children empathy?
Well if your child is a more empathetic person they will most likely be less inclined to become a bully.
So what can you do to teach them empathy?
1) One of the things that you can do as a parent right from the start is to create a family code of conduct - this will help your children to understand the difference between right and wrong and how to treat others. And when the right moments arise have little lessons about the right way to treat others and why. If they are mean, get them to think about if someone was mean to them, how it might make them feel.
2) One of the really important things to remember is that you are a role model and that your children learn a lot from you - by your own actions you can teach children empathy.
As an adult show acts of kindness to others without expecting anything in return and let your children see this - talk about why you showed kindness. Maybe even as a family have a goal to do one random act of kindness every week - whether that is for a family member or someone outside of the family. Give them the opportunity to decide what that random act of kindness might be - they will soon learn that being kind to others actually makes them feel really good too.
One of the stories that I remember being told (I'm not sure who this was) - was when a little boy was given 20 helium balloons and he wanted to keep them all to himself. But his father decided to teach him the important lesson of what it felt like to give something away and not expect anything in return. So he took his son to a retirement home and the boy gave out all of the balloons except for one. That day the boy experienced the power of giving, the power of what it was like to give to another person. And when he gave he received just as much in return.
3) Another thing you can do is teach your children to have the mindset of 'how can I make a difference?'
It might be that if they see bullying happening or if they see someone who needs help, their attitude is not to run away or to stand there and laugh but think about how they can help the situation. You can talk about the different ways of doing this - whether it be going to get help or stepping in and supporting the student.
By teaching your children empathy you are teaching them to be able to put themselves in someone else's shoes, to try and understand how whatever is happening to them is making them feel. From this will grow a compassion for others.
If you can build these qualities into your children - you will most likely find that they will not become bullies but will be children that will step in and help, that care a lot, and that are known for the amazing qualities that they have.
For more information on 'How to help your child if they are being bullied' - check out - It's Time To Stop The Bullying ebook.
Bullying No More: Working together with both parents and schools to help Break the Cycle of Bullying.